About us

Supplying the locals with surf wax since 1981. MTB has everything you need from head to toe and land to sea. Come stop by and say whats up!


Donny Mulhern started off working under Dewey Weber in California. After building tons of surfboards with dewey, he decided to branch off and start his own label M.T.B. Surfboards. Mulhern, Donald Takayama, Gary Brummet, An all-star crew; Mully is one of the best laminators to ever pick up a squeegee, Takayama is a premier shaper, and Gary was pinliner and gloss color maestro. Donnie owned the label and took it with him when he moved to Florida about 1972. After glassing for Catri (and in Larry Pope's words, ''showing everyone how to do it right''), Mully opened his own place with the MTB label. His son Patrick (now a top-shelf shaper in Encinitas) blew up the whole east coast contest scene in the late 70s and became the east coast's top international star as well. MTB was arguably the #1 company on the east coast going into the 80s. The guys who built those boards were an incredible crew of craftsmen. In addition to the shapers mentioned, Phil Roberts and Gary Philhauer did spray color, laminations by Bob Keller and Fred Grosskreutz, sanding by LP, and polish by Joe Roberts and many more talented guys. Donnie and his wife opened a retail store in the early 80s, it grew and became a more attractive business model than manufacturing. Donnie , Gail and there son Eric run the store now and its one of the nicest core shops in the area. Store is stacked with bikinis,clothing,shoes, sandals, you name it they have it. One of the biggest skateboard selections around. One of the last stores in the area with so much history still going strong. If you can catch Donnie there and get past his gruff exterior, he has some colorful stories to tell. Just a classic character....